In this episode, we discuss a research study examining Twitter activity related to the Syrian conflict during 2015 and 2016. Analyzing 450,000 Turkish-language tweets, the study found that real-world…
Personalinformation Ämne
EJ INOM ÄMNE Talat språk
Engelska Textat språk
Engelska Licens för användning
Creative Commons - BY NC SA (Lnu policy)
In this episode, we explore the challenges of healthcare communication in a world increasingly dominated by data, focusing on the experiences of communicators in the United States and Nordic regions.…
Personalinformation Ämne
EJ INOM ÄMNE Talat språk
Engelska Textat språk
Engelska Licens för användning
Creative Commons - BY NC SA (Lnu policy)
Välkommen till detta webinar där Koraljka Golub, professor i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Lnu och projektledare för delprojekt Öppen tillgång till…
Föreläsning Ämne
EJ INOM ÄMNE Talat språk
Engelska Central avdelning
Universitetsbiblioteket Licens för användning
Creative Commons - BY NC SA (Lnu policy)
I klippet får du några konkreta tips på hur du i dina presentationsbilder kan visualisera data för att öka möjligheten för åhörarna att ta till sig…
Undervisningsmaterial Ämne
EJ INOM ÄMNE Talat språk
Svenska Textat språk
Svenska Central avdelning
Sektion Högskolepedagogik Licens för användning
Creative Commons - BY NC SA (Lnu policy)
In this presentation, attendees will gain a strategic overview of Estonia’s government digital and data transformation journey, presented by the country’s Chief Data Officer, Ott…
Forskningspresentation Ämne
Informatik Talat språk
Engelska Textat språk
Engelska Licens för användning
Creative Commons - BY NC SA (Lnu policy)
4dh426_ Linked Data for Cultural Heritage and the Humanities Q&A session on 2022-04-27 10.00.42. Short video about Open Rerfine
High quality, trustworthy data can help organizations build strategies, capture value, increase the potential of automation and enable insightful and fast decision-making. Data could change the…
Inaugural lecture of the iInstitute by Professor Christine Borgman of UCLA
Academic Reference: Nico Reski, Aris Alissandrakis and Andreas Kerren. 2020. Exploration of Time-Oriented Data in Immersive Virtual Reality Using a 3D Radar Chart Approach, in Proceedings of the 11…
Central avdelning
This video (no audio) presents some of the research conducted within the VRxAR Labs research group at Linnaeus University during the period of VT 2017 to VT 2019 (spring term 2017 to spring term…
Central avdelning
This demo video presents some features of the interactive virtual reality (VR) visualization we are currently developing at the Department of Media Technology at Linnaeus University (January…
This is a work-in-progress demo video presenting some features of the interactive virtual reality (VR) application we are currently developing at the VRxAR Labs research group at Linnaeus…
This is a work-in-progress demo video presenting some features of the interactive virtual reality (VR) application we are currently developing at the VRxAR Labs research group at Linnaeus…